Sunday, September 30, 2012

Weekend update... 9/30/12

Ok.. so is it really Sunday already?!? And September is gone??! Where did the time go??

As we enter October, I have many updates for you all!

Let's start with how the rest of our week looked...

On Thursday Sept 27, the HFFH team played Newfield and came up with a big W! Honestly though, it was probably one of the worst games I have seen and it was in part of our girls but how the other team played and how the officials officiated. Two players on their team were given yellow cards for pushing. A yellow card means that a player must be out of play for 5 minutes! They played very dirty and scrappy but it was clear who the better team was (I know I'm biased and I always will be =) )

The girls played well and credit is due to our scorers Sam Gray (whose goal was assisted by Wex) and Katie DeNicola (assisted by Taylor Weiss) The girls out shot, out cornered and out played them. Great Job HFFH!

On Saturday the girls played the reigning NYS Champions Sachem East. Not only was it beautiful hockey, but the girls were ampted, pumped up and had a great time playing. Sachem East beat the HFFH team 4-0 but the HF defense was superb. The head coach for Sachem commended us on our defense and was super impressed! The team played hard and we couldn't be any prouder!

On tuesday, we play Smithtown East... WHO BEAT WARD MELVILLE!! This is one of the biggest games for us this season and we have no doubt that we can beat them!! Try to come to the game and show your support! We'd love to see you all there! Remember what happened last year (sudden death strokes..! ) Let's score early !

             In other news, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and the HFFH team participating in fundraising money for Breast Cancer Research! This October the girls will be participating in a fundraiser called "Corners for the Cause"

This is how Corners for the Cause works. For the entire month of October, the HFFH team will keep track of how many OFFENSIVE CORNERS they receive in each game. This number will vary from game to game. Each member of the HFFH team is to find a sponsor. You can have more than one but each player must have at least ONE sponsor. Each sponsor must be willing to donate a minimum of $1 per corner. For every corner the girls receive, the sponsor will donate $1. So, by the last game of the season (we will not include playoffs) if the team accumulates a total of 20 corners in the month of October and a sponsor pledge $1 per corner, then that sponsor owes $20. 

If you are interested in participating in our on going fundraiser, contact one of our players!

We will also be hosting a "Play for the Cause" Game sometime in October. The dates has not been decided as of yet but on this date, the girls will be playing for an individual (someone who they decide on) in honor of their fight and survival against this terrible disease. Also on this date, the girls will be charging admission to the game. All money will be going towards the fundraiser. If you parents have any ideas about ways to help fundraise money (maybe a bake sale on the day of the game or something) please don't hesitate to partake in the activities!!

On a side note, I would personally like to thank Mrs. Bifulco and the Weschler family for donating toward my personal fundraiser (I'm running a half marathon in Dec for Crohns Disease)

Lastly, I had heard the sad new about the HF Soccer team players who were involved in the terrible car accident. My thoughts and prayers go out to those families, and knowing how close the HF community family is, I know everyone must be hurting. I pray for a quick and safe recovery to all members involved.

Happy Last Day of September and see you all soon!!

- Coach A

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