Sunday, September 16, 2012

Weekend update

Good afternoon all!! The HFFH team had a great game weekend against Centereach on Friday and Sayville on Saturday! Were you there to catch the game? For those who were... we had two absolutely gorgeous days and some great competition!

On Friday, the girls played Centereach! From the moment I got to the high school, I had a feeling that the girls were going to have a great game! The sun was shining and the girls had the best warm up this season! Our Gigi was sick and was not able to play, but after some lineup changes, we found a lineup that really clicked! Caroline Saros started as our center midfield, Colleen Morgan started at right back and Melanie Gray started as a link. From the very beginning the girls were on fire! They had the upper hand in the game the whole time. Within the first ten minutes of play, the girls scored their first and only goal of the game- Goal scored by Melanie Gray and assisted by Sam Gray.
Defensively, the girls had a phenomenal game. Within the whole sixty minutes, the girls allowed the ball to go into our defensive circle at most three times. The defensive stepped up to every ball and also played very offensively…meaning they pushed up the field… allowing the other lines (links, midfield and forwards) to move up as well. As a former defensive player, this was very exciting to watch.
For those who were at the game, it is safe to say that the score was not reflective of the game. The HFFH team had earned 17 offensive corners to Centereach’s 2. Nice job HFFH!

Oh yes, and former HFFH player HONEY ROCHE came to support the tornadoes. The girls were very excited to see her as well as the coaching staff.
On Saturday, HFFH got prepared again, but this time to play the 2011 Long Island B Side Small School Champion’s Sayville. Going into this season, the coaching staff knew this would be a challenging game, being that the skill of Sayville’s team is very good, but we were up for the challenge. The outcome of the game was not what we were hoping for, the girls lost 3-0, but again, it was a situation in which the score did not reflect the girls play. Sayville scored all three girls in the first half, two of them within two minutes of each other. However, when looking at the game play and watching the game, HFFH had dominating much of the game, especially in the second half. It was unfortunate that the girls couldn’t score, but it was great experience and we are looking to see Sayville again, in playoffs. The coaching staff of Sayville had commending Chandler on her great goal keeping skills and was already looking to play us next season! 

Next week we have two games on the turf… games which both the players and the coaches are excited about. On Wednesday the girls will play Ward Melville – a game that will be very exciting! Ward Melville is ranked above us this year and when we played them last year, we were very close to winning. On Friday, we will play Sachem North at Sachem North. But that’s not all… WE WILL BE ON TV! That’s right! MSG Varsity is taping our game so if you can’t come to the game, you can watch it on TV! I believe MSG Varsity is only found on Optimum so make sure to record your DVRs!

I would also like to thank Mrs. Bifulco for taking some wonderful shots of the girls in action! They are absolutely great!

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