Monday, October 8, 2012

Oct 8

I apologize for the lack of posts. Partly because I thought I was on top of my postings but I did not realize that I had not posted about our game against Smithtown East.

For those who were not at the game, unfortunately, the HFFH team was not successful. We lost 2-0 but on a positive note, we out played them, especially in the second half. We had 15 corners to their 2! (Side note: those 15 corners go towards our "Corners for the Cause" fundraiser) We just couldn't get the ball behind the net ! I will say that we are proud that our girls played a much better second half and that we never gave up.

This past week was pretty slow. It was like being stuck at sea on a pirate ship with no wind, no movement. We had 8 days off and during season, that is an extremely long time. However, what was great about this time off was that we were able to RE-GROUP, RE-FOCUS and RE-GEAR for the rest of the season. It is going to be challenging that is not a lie. But  I have faith in this team. Each and every girl on this team have the power to control what they aspire to achieve. We focused on what our individual and team goals are and for the rest of the season, we will hope to achieve those goals.

This week, we play Centereach on Wednesday at Centereach and Ward Melville on Friday--

Both game are extremely important... and Friday.. is COACH THOMAS' BIRTHDAY!!

But let's just take it one day at a time. Practice. Game. Move on and Move forward.
Vacation is over. The animals are ready to rumble!

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