Thursday, September 20, 2012

Personal Note:

Good Morning everyone!

So, this post actually has nothing to do with HFFH .. but more so me and a personal goal I am trying to accomplish! I am letting you all know because I would love any support I can get whether it be words of encouragement or monetary donations or even just spreading the word. 

 I know many of you don't know me that well and besides field hockey, I actually like running. That's right, for fun! I'm not that fast but I do like to participate in half marathon and marathon races! What motivates me to run... well I can't answer that, but I do enjoy it.. maybe i'm just crazy!
This year, I am participating in the Las Vegas Rock and Roll Half Marathon on December 2! I am very excited about it and have begun training to run the 13.1 miles !

That's not all. I am not just running for running, although I have done that before. This year I have decided to team up with TEAM CHALLENGE, a non profit organization that helps fund raise money towards finding a cure for Crohn's Disease and Colitis. I do have a goal of $3800 to fundraise and am well on my way. I am very excited to be a part of this and can't wait to get the Vegas for the race!

If anyone is interested in helping out me and for the cause ... I do have a webpage in which you can donate. No amount is too little and ofcourse do not feel obligated. Many of my friends and family are always interested in helping towards causes like this and I just wanted to spread the word out to all of you!

My website is here:

Thanks again for all the support you give on a daily basis for the HFFH team!! 

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