Monday, September 24, 2012

Keep your head up high

I have a lot of thoughts on today's game. It is extremely unfortunate that today's game ended the way it did. The better team did not come out on top and unfortunately, that's life sometimes. We out played, out skilled, out shot and out cornered Northport and it was only in strokes when more of their players got the ball in the net did we lose the upper hand. We've said it before and we'll say it again.... this game did not reflect how we played. Spectators saw that. Coaches saw it. Refs saw it. Even players saw it. But there always has to be a winner. And today's game wasn't about who wanted it more.. because the tornadoes wanted it. It was about luck.

I said this to the girls and I'll say it to all of you.  I am extremely proud of how all the girls played. Though we did not win, I do not feel that we lost. It was probably the first game where I saw the HFFH fight. We were aggressive, we had beautiful passing, we were composed and strong. We played as a team and as a coach, that  is all we can ask for.

Does it, for lack of a better term, suck that we were not victorious? Absolutely. I would be concerned if our girls didn't feel upset. They played with every bit of heart and soul  that it doesn't feel good that we couldn't show that with the scoreboard. But it is important for us to remember that being victorious does not mean we win every game. Today, the girls played as a team. They gave it everything they got and were united as one for a common purpose. That is what matters. I am so proud to be part of a team that consists of girls who are as hard working, dedicating and special as the HFFH team.

I am proud of how you girls played today and your heads should be up. You gave it all you've got. Nothing more can be asked of you .

Our next match is on Thursday against Newfield. I think we are hungry for another win... so lets make it happen!

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