Thursday, September 6, 2012

And so it begins!

To all of the parents ... Welcome to the HFFH blog! Since last year I have tried my best to put up posts and updates about the sport, our games and our players and I continue to do it this year! It was really nice to see a lot of familiar faces and I would all love to get to know you all so please make sure to say hi!

Preseason is officially over and tomorrow we have our first match against Bayport-Bluepoint!!! We still cannot believe that the season is already in full effect! To the parents and all fans, we hope to see you there!!! Our game is at 4pm at Harborfields and it is suppose to be a bright sunny ( and yes hot) day!!

To the girls: As we have reiterated to all of you, both coach and I are extremely proud of how hard each and everyone of you has been working. If you all continue to play the way you have, then you will succeed!
So make sure tonight you rest up and get yourselves mentally ready!

And go tornadoes!!!

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