Friday, August 31, 2012

August 31, 2012

Can you believe that it is Friday already??!! In just a few short days, it will be back to school and we will be well into our season already! But no need to rush!

First and foremost, I would like to congratulate all the girls who have tried out this year!! We have had no cuts which is wonderful and we, the coaching staff, were extremely happy with the overall performance by all players. (This includes fitness as well as skill) We would like to say to all of our freshmen, WELCOME TO THE ANIMAL HOUSE!!! We are glad that you have decided to join our team and we are looking forward to a wonderful season!!

The holiday season is approaching, we know, but YES, we will be having practice. We have practice TOMORROW Saturday September 1  from 7:45-10:00am. We will be off from practice completely on Sunday, so no morning or afternoon practice, but we will have practice on both Monday and Tuesday. Time are TBA

As we have experienced, the weather is HOT so make sure that you are well hydrated, constantly stretching and or icing and most importantly, RESTING! You girls have worked hard this past week and you need your body to rest. Be smart about what you are eating and drinking and what activities you are participating in

Enjoy the rest of the night off and see you all tomorrow!

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