Wednesday, October 17, 2012


That's right!! Today, the HFFH team went to Northport... whose grass is worse than ours (yes.. it is possible) and the girls came out with a big W!! Northport is always a difficult challenger.. being that they are a very skilled program and to give them credit... they were a lot stronger than the last time we played them. But the HFFH NEVER NEVER gave up and put two goals in the net! Both off Corners!! Way to go girls!!

The first goal was scored by Katie DeNicola assisted by Erin Slutter.
The second goal was scored by Isabelle Weschler

Also ...

I must commend the defense on a job well done! Playing on such a bouncy service like Northport's grass was an obstacle in itself. But the girls adjusted and played extraordinary! Chandler had some phenomenal saves as did the Northport's goalie... but Claudia Maimone earned her player of the game status when she came up with the defensive save! The ball went past Chandler and was right on the line and Claudia was in the right place at the right time! She received the ball and cleared it out hard! It was a WOW moment indeed!

All the girls who played today did a phenomenal job and I must commend all the girls who could not see playing time today. Their energy and enthusiasm transpired to the girls and as a result were confident to never give up!! Great job today ladies!!

On Friday.. HFFH will be hosting our Play for the Cure game! If you are planning on attending this Friday, we encourage all spectators and parents and fans to show their support and wear pink! The HFFH team will also be selling some baked goods in the begginning of the game in addition to collecting money for the cause! All money we fundraise on Friday will also be going to the American Cancer Society!

Great job today Animals!!

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