Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Seating Meeting

Just a quick post. Coach Thomas and I attended our seating meeting Thursday October 25th to see where we would be seating for playoffs. In our division, we were ranked 5th out of 6th. the order goes as following:

1st: Miller Place
2nd: Rocky Point
3rd: Sayville
4th: Shoreham
5th: Harborfields
6th: Bayport Bluepoint

Being that we are ranked 5th, we are the away team. The game was scheduled for Tuesday October 30 but as a result of Hurricane Sandy, the game was pushed back until further notice. Being that the conditions are not conducive to play on, we will wait to hear what will happen in regards to scheduling. Either way, the girls will be ready to take on Shoreham!

here we go HF!!

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