Monday, October 15, 2012

Harborfield Field Hockey is on a roll!!

Let's recap...

HFFH vs. Centereach:
Results: Loss in over time 0-1
HFFH had over 13 offensive corners ($$ for breast cancer research)

On Wednesday, the HFFH team played Centereach. Throughout the game, the girls dominated for the majority of the game. Unfortunately, we could not place the ball behind the net. As a result, we were forced to go into over time and Centereach utilized the opportunity and scored. Gigi Santomauro was named our player of the game! Also very nice efforts to Sam Gray, Caroline Saros and Katie D! The coaching staff felt that she really stood out during the game! Way to go Gigi!!

Friday was a busy day.
1) HFFH was preparing the play Ward Melville
2) It was Coach Thomas's birthday

From the moment the girls stepped on the field, the HFFH was ready to play. Ward Melville was ranked third in our division and had only lost to Smithtown East and Sachem East. From the moment the whistle blew, the girls played the game of the season! It was pretty evident that HFFH was the dominate team! The game was scoreless by half time but that changed when Erin Slutter scored with the last 5 minutes of the game! HFFH was winning 1-0

then.. when there was a 1:50 left in regulation... Ward Melville was awarded a penalty stroke. The call was legitmate. The ball hit one of our player's foot (Claudia) keeping it from going in the goal. As I have always said.. I would rather get a stroke then a goal. As per rule, the stroker has 5 sec from the whistle to make a move. the ref asked the girl if she was ready, the goalie was ready and then blew the whistle. The girl took over 5 secs to take the stroke wand the ref blew the whistle. At this point it should have been HF's ball . however the ref allowed her to take the stroke again. This was a violation to the rule. The player took the stroke and scored. As a result the score was now 1-1 with 1:50 left.In the end.. the team had to go into overtime.

Now: if Ward Melville had scored a goal, we could have appealed the game, and we would have won. Because the officials broke the rules, what would have happened is that the girls would have had to meet again and played for 1:50 with the score of 1-0 to start... but that was not the case...

what really happened was ... WE WON!!! WE BEAT WARD MELVILLE!! Katie DeNicola scored within the first 2 minutes of regulation!

Obviously we were estatic ! It was the greatest feeling in the world!!  It was well deserved and very much due!! Our player of the game was Erin Slutter! She executed when we needed a goal !

Everyone who played had a phenomenal game! We worked together as a unit and it really showed!!

This was a big win for the HFFH team because we were ranked 8th and Ward Melville was ranked 3rd. We will gain a lot of points as a result of this win. !! So proud!!
and it was Coach's Birthday!

Monday: HFFH vs Smithtown West
Result: HFFH 1, Smithtown West 0

Another W!!! Way to go girls!! The girls had 18 corners this game!! 18 corners!!  We scored off one of them early in the first half! Goal was scored by Wex and assisted by Gigi! !! Gigi was named player of the game once again!!

Needless to say... its been a really busy few days! But we are focused to keep continuing our success. Our success to not only win but to be the best team we can be!

Congrats girls! We can only move up!!

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