Thursday, August 2, 2012

Game 3.. AUS 1- USA 0

Although I did not watch the game this morning (it aired at 6am), through social media websites including facebook and twitter, as well as going to the NBC website, I discovered that the US lost today but had a valiant effort. Australia scored with two minutes left in the first half and the US couldn't recover from it.

To check out clips and hightlights, go to

If you want to watch good hockey (and I recommend you do...) here is today's schedule for the rest of the day

China vs. Neth (going on now.. 9:15 am)
Russ  vs. Germany 11:30am
Belg. vs. GBR  2:00pm
NZL vs. Argentina 4:15pm **** This is going to be a very good game to watch =)

Kor beat Japan 1-0

Team USA will be playing again on Saturday Aug 4 at 2pm vs. NZL!

Go USA!!

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