Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Division Meeting

On Friday, the coaching staff attented a division meeting. Essentially, this meeting determines where we will be seated for next year amongst other agenda. It has been decided that the division will be placing us in

                                         4th place 
again next year. Though this is a very humbling honor--- coaches in our division feel that we are a very good team.. and as a side note.. we play grass! but it will most def. mean a difficult schedule for next year. Just to keep in mind for our returning players.. competition isn't going to get any easier! 

Congrats ladies =)  

Seating Meeting

Just a quick post. Coach Thomas and I attended our seating meeting Thursday October 25th to see where we would be seating for playoffs. In our division, we were ranked 5th out of 6th. the order goes as following:

1st: Miller Place
2nd: Rocky Point
3rd: Sayville
4th: Shoreham
5th: Harborfields
6th: Bayport Bluepoint

Being that we are ranked 5th, we are the away team. The game was scheduled for Tuesday October 30 but as a result of Hurricane Sandy, the game was pushed back until further notice. Being that the conditions are not conducive to play on, we will wait to hear what will happen in regards to scheduling. Either way, the girls will be ready to take on Shoreham!

here we go HF!!

Last game of the season... vs. Smithtown East

On Wednesday Oct 24, the HFFH team played Smithtown East AT Smithtown East. Unfortunately, the girls lost 0-1 but they played an outstanding game! Mary Beth Greenberg, freshmen goal keeper was moved up to play due to the injured sustained by Junior goalie Chandler Banks!

It was an unfortunate goal to go in- off a bounce. However, as complimented by the Smithtown East coach, she was very impressed with our team.

I would like to say a big THANK YOU to Nicole Bifulco for stepping up! Nicole was all ready to play GOALIE for us in one of the biggest games this season. However, we decided to play Marybeth instead.

I would also like to commend junior defender Nicole Damm for her performance on Wednesday's game. She was named our player of the game for her poised demeanor and her fantastic defensive skills!! Great Job Nicole!!

Despite this loss ... the HFFH will be going into PLAYOFFS for the THIRD YEAR IN A ROW!!

Congrats ladies!

Senior Day!

On Monday, the HFFH team hosted Senior Day... meaning it was not only the last home game for our senior players, but it was a day to recognize all of the wonderful things these 8 girls contributed to the team for the past 3-4 years. Our seniors were:

Colleen Morgan
Daniele Miltner
Erin Slutter
Stephanie Zamow
Kaitlin Cassar
Gigi Santomauro
Katie DeNicola
Isabelle Wechsler

We had the most beautiful, warm, sunny afternoon for the game and the HFFH was triumph. KATIE DENICOLA scored her first hattrick of the season!! Literally she was on fire: (sidenote: Sachem North goalie is an ALL COUNTY goalie!! ) The HFFH team won 4-0!! Katie scored the first 3 goals and senior forward Erin Slutter added one more to make the final score 4-0.

All of the seniors started the first and second halfs of the game and played outstanding! In addition, every player on the team saw playing time! The crowd was energetic, the girls were on fire and it was the best way for a senior game to play out !

After the game we held our Senior Day end of year party which was full of delicious food, great company and laugh! Coach Thomas, with the help of her husband, Mr Saros and Mrs Bifulco, made a great video. All those who saw it can attest that it was a great summary of the season! The win was necessary to ensure a spot into play-offs!

A side note: From both myself and Coach Thomas, we cannot thank you all enough for such a wonderful season! (oh no its not over yet... =) ) We faced many obstacles this season, whether it was field conditions, injuries or illnesses, but in the end, the girls were victorious. It is a true testament to the program to see how these girls rise when life throws them obstacles. Many officials and coaches have complimented the growth of this program and that could not have happened without the dedication and hard work that our players put in as well as the support their family and friends give. So again.. thank you.

We love you seniors! We'll miss you and wish you the best of luck in the future!! Come back to visit!!

Now.. we still have some games to win!

Hurricane Sandy

With Senior Day, seating meetings, division meetings, homecoming and a hurricane, I've hardly had any time to write in the blog! But rest assured I am planning on catching up and updating you all!!

First.. I have talked to a few players on the team as well as Coach Thomas and I hope all of you are safe and sound. I know many of you have no power and from what I heard, school will be closed tomorrow Wednesday October 31. I hope your homes didn't sustain too much damage and that clean up will be speedy!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

HFFH vs. Sachem East... PLAY 4 THE CURE game!!

On Saturday, the HFFH team played against the Arrows of Sachem East. We couldn't have asked for a much better game and what was even more special is that it was our " Play 4 the Cure Game." Both the HFFH team and Sachem East brought awareness by wearing signature shirts- HF in Pink, Sachem in Black and Pink. It was a great day and to play for a great cause was even better !

As a side note, I must thank all of the parents and spectators who donated money for our game! The JV players did a great job of selling bows and we sold out so quickly! Reminder for next year, get more bows!! We raised over $100 ! So thank you for your generous contributions!!

In regards to the game, the girls lost 4-0 but as we had mentioned to the girls, we are proud of the fact that they never gave up and stay focused for the whole 60 minutes!~ Way to go girls ! It is never easy to lose, especially knowing that we BELIEVE and we know that we are fully capable of playing a team and even beating a team at a caliber like Sachem East. But This game is great preparation for playoffs!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


That's right!! Today, the HFFH team went to Northport... whose grass is worse than ours (yes.. it is possible) and the girls came out with a big W!! Northport is always a difficult challenger.. being that they are a very skilled program and to give them credit... they were a lot stronger than the last time we played them. But the HFFH NEVER NEVER gave up and put two goals in the net! Both off Corners!! Way to go girls!!

The first goal was scored by Katie DeNicola assisted by Erin Slutter.
The second goal was scored by Isabelle Weschler

Also ...

I must commend the defense on a job well done! Playing on such a bouncy service like Northport's grass was an obstacle in itself. But the girls adjusted and played extraordinary! Chandler had some phenomenal saves as did the Northport's goalie... but Claudia Maimone earned her player of the game status when she came up with the defensive save! The ball went past Chandler and was right on the line and Claudia was in the right place at the right time! She received the ball and cleared it out hard! It was a WOW moment indeed!

All the girls who played today did a phenomenal job and I must commend all the girls who could not see playing time today. Their energy and enthusiasm transpired to the girls and as a result were confident to never give up!! Great job today ladies!!

On Friday.. HFFH will be hosting our Play for the Cure game! If you are planning on attending this Friday, we encourage all spectators and parents and fans to show their support and wear pink! The HFFH team will also be selling some baked goods in the begginning of the game in addition to collecting money for the cause! All money we fundraise on Friday will also be going to the American Cancer Society!

Great job today Animals!!