Friday, August 31, 2012

August 31, 2012

Can you believe that it is Friday already??!! In just a few short days, it will be back to school and we will be well into our season already! But no need to rush!

First and foremost, I would like to congratulate all the girls who have tried out this year!! We have had no cuts which is wonderful and we, the coaching staff, were extremely happy with the overall performance by all players. (This includes fitness as well as skill) We would like to say to all of our freshmen, WELCOME TO THE ANIMAL HOUSE!!! We are glad that you have decided to join our team and we are looking forward to a wonderful season!!

The holiday season is approaching, we know, but YES, we will be having practice. We have practice TOMORROW Saturday September 1  from 7:45-10:00am. We will be off from practice completely on Sunday, so no morning or afternoon practice, but we will have practice on both Monday and Tuesday. Time are TBA

As we have experienced, the weather is HOT so make sure that you are well hydrated, constantly stretching and or icing and most importantly, RESTING! You girls have worked hard this past week and you need your body to rest. Be smart about what you are eating and drinking and what activities you are participating in

Enjoy the rest of the night off and see you all tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

6 Days Left

Hi All!

Hope you all got Coach Thomas' email regarding preseason! If you haven't, please make sure you get it because all of the necessary information that you need regarding Monday is in that email!!

Make sure that you girls are still working out, running, and BEING SMART! You need to make sure that you are well rested and well hydrated. Season is about to begin and we need all of our players ready to go!

See you all in a few days!

Coach A

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Disney Field Hockey Showcase

2013 Disney Field Hockey Showcase
February 6th thru February 10th
U16 & U19 Tryout

 August 25th or September 9th

Sachem East HS
177 Granny Road
Farmingville, NY  11738
10 am - 11:30 am
Tryout Fee - $25

Please arrive 30 minutes prior to register.
Looking forward to seeing you all at the tryout!

You must be under 16 years of age on January 1, 2013 to participate in the U16 Division
You must be under 19 years of age on January 1, 2013 to participate in the U19 Division


Scrimmage at Sachem East was a success!

Hi All!!

First I would like to thank everyone who could  make it out today! I think we can all agree that today's scrimmage was a success!! All the girls got a lot of playing time and was able to work on things they needed to work on! In addition, we are getting ready to move full force into preseason! Only a week away!! Hope you girls are ready!!

Tomorrow August 20 is our LAST practice of the summer before the season begins! Make sure to spread the word and make it down to the turf! Remember any practice is better than none!

Also, as you have all seen,  it has been a very HOT and HUMID August and it doesn't look like it will change much, at least in the next week or so. So make sure you are HYDRATED! Drink lots and lots of water. Did you know that when you are playing and you are dying of thrust, you are beyond hydrated! Never allow your body to get to that point!

Thanks again for a great turn out girls and see you all tomorrow!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Being Perfect

You all can be perfect. How you define perfection may be different than how I define it. After watching this movie and hearing this explanation.... this is how I define perfection.

Every time I watch this clip, I get chills.

Scrimmage At Sachem East!!

So we are longer playing in Sayville on Sunday... but Coach Thomas got us something else! 

To make up for the cancelled tournament I was able to set us up with a scrimmage against Sachem East and possibly another team for Sunday.   There is NO cost for this scrimmage! Please plan to be at Sachem East on Sunday at 9am.  It will run no later than 12pm so it will end earlier than the tournament was supposed to!  We expect that the 19 girls signed up to go to the tournament will still attend the scrimmages on Sunday at Sachem East.  If for some reason you can no longer attend, please email myself AND Coach Alexander as soon as possible. 

This is from the email from Coach Thomas!

I'll be there at 9am.. better see all of you all well!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


           WE HAVE A NEW JV COACH!! 

Yes it is true! We have hired a new JV coach for the 2012-2013 season and we couldn't be more excited ! Her name is Diana Celebre and I have personally known Diana since high school (we were former teammates!) Many of you girls have met her this Monday night at practice but if you haven't, we had Coach Celebre answer a few questions about herself so you can get to know her a little better ! Enjoy! 

1.       So Coach Celebre, why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I was recruited and played Division I fieldhockey at Rider University. I graduated in 2009 with a degree in psychology. I have my Masters from Dominican College in Childhood Ed. and Special Ed. I am currently a 2nd grade teacher at Trinity Regional School.

2.       What are some things you like to do for fun?

I enjoy traveling, going to the beach, going to the movies and working out.

            3.  You played at Rider University. Tell us a little bit about your college experiences.
I had a positive experience on the Rider field hockey team. I learned that through hard work, dedication and perseverance you can succeed in anything you do

            4 . Tell us a little bit about your coaching experience.
I coached middle school fieldhockey and lacrosse in the Sachem School District last year. I have also coached at Rider’s field hockey camp

5. What is your philosophy on coaching?
My philosophy on coaching is to have an environment that encourages athletes to learn and develop on and off the playing field. As a coach, it would be my obligation to instill in every player the belief that hard work pays off, and the harder players work, the more they will achieve.

            6. Who are some people that you feel influenced you as an athlete and as a coach?
My sister has been the most influential person to me. I have always followed in my sister’s footsteps as an athlete and coach.  Another influential person was my high school coach, Tina Moon. She provided me with confidence, skills and determination as an athlete.

         7. Name one thing you are most excited about this season.
I am excited to gain as well as provide new ideas to the Harborfields field hockey 
                                      Welcome Coach Celebre!! We are happy to have you!!

Sayville Tournament CANCELLED!

Yes, it is true. We got word that the Sayville tournament- for August 19, 2012 was cancelled due to lack of interest. Obviously not from our end because we had over 18 girls going (awesome) but now we must move forward and prepare for preseason. Remember girls, Monday August 20 is our LAST summer session before preseason begins on AUGUST 27!! Hope you girls have been running and getting ready for tryouts.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sayville Flyer

Summer Strokes 

7 v 7 Tournament
Hosted By: Sayville Field Hockey
Sunday, August 19th
                                                   8AM to 4 PM

Registration Begins At 7 AM
At The PAL Turf Field in Holbrook, NY
$350 Per Team—Max 15 Players Per Team
$100 Deposit Due By August 6th
(Each Team Guaranteed Four 25 Minute Games)
(Top Four Teams Will Advance To Playoffs)

Patricia Fedelem
169 Broadway Ave
Sayville, NY 11782
2012 Summer Strokes 7 v 7
(631) 563-2494

Please fill out the following and submit by August 6th along with your deposit: 

Team: ___________________    Payment Amount: ________________

Address: _________________    Phone #: _______________________

               _________________    Email: _________________________

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Good morning!

There is less than three weeks until preseason begins. I hope all of you have been running, working out and conditioning to get yourselves in the best shape you can be! If you haven't checked out our schedule at, you can go to the bottom of this page where I have posted ALL of the games. As you will see, we will not have a lot of time to prepare for our first match. Make sure you make this year count because for many of you, it is your last! =(

While you are home this week, I want you to do some things in addition to your training. As important as it is to get physically ready, we need you mentally ready too.

1. Check out a field hockey game. Whether you watch it at the Olympics - mens and womens are playing... you can go to he nbc website and check it out-- or go to a live game (I am going to the Hofstra game August 24.. are you?) Watching great hockey will mentally get you ready and psyched for the up coming season. remember, its your time, so make the best of it.

2. Practice your yard stick pulls. Do 5 sets of yard stick pulls and time them for a minute on the grass. Record your times. Coach or I don't need to know what you do but if you put away 5 minutes, it will improve on your skill.

3. Get a full length mirror. Correction, go to your full length mirror. I am pretty sure that most if not all of you have one. Stand in front of it and Get yourselves in a ready position like I taught you. Do you look like a hunch back? Are your hands and stick infront of your body? Are you on the balls of your feet? Is your left hand low? Look at yourself and self evaluate. The more you practice body positioning and BENDING THOSE KNEES, the easier it will be. Its a fact that you have to be low. So I would practice at home.

4. Make sure that you have at least 2 mouth guards.. maybe even 3, your shins guards are in good condition, your goggles are regulated and your stick is still good to go! Do this now. You don't want to be the player who forgot their equipment or didn't prepare. There is nothing worse that not being prepared, especially for things that you can prepare for.

5. Write out an individual goal for yourself this week :   I want to be able to do 100 aerial dribbles in a row without dropping it  -- make up one simple goal and work on it. See if you achieve your goal.

That's all for now! Enjoy your week and see you girls in two weeks! Remember Strong Island tryouts are on Wednesday. Check out the website .. for more details... and keep training!

- Coach A

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Game 3.. AUS 1- USA 0

Although I did not watch the game this morning (it aired at 6am), through social media websites including facebook and twitter, as well as going to the NBC website, I discovered that the US lost today but had a valiant effort. Australia scored with two minutes left in the first half and the US couldn't recover from it.

To check out clips and hightlights, go to

If you want to watch good hockey (and I recommend you do...) here is today's schedule for the rest of the day

China vs. Neth (going on now.. 9:15 am)
Russ  vs. Germany 11:30am
Belg. vs. GBR  2:00pm
NZL vs. Argentina 4:15pm **** This is going to be a very good game to watch =)

Kor beat Japan 1-0

Team USA will be playing again on Saturday Aug 4 at 2pm vs. NZL!

Go USA!!