Sunday, September 18, 2011

Weekend Update!

Hello All! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!! I wanted to give you all an update of the past 2 days!

Saturday: The HFFH Varsity and Junior Varsity teams played against the 4th ranked Northport on Saturday morning. It was a great match for the varsity team who performed very well. In the first 15 minutes the score was 2-0 Harborfields. Northport, came back in the second quarter to score three goals to make the score 3-2. In the third quarter HFFH came back to score 2 goals to take the lead 4-3. However, by the end of the third quarter, the score was tied 4-4. The game ended 5-4 Northport. Though the girls lost, it was a great game to watch on both sides. Northport has a handful of very skilled players and it was a great match for HFFH before we face some top ranked schools in the next few weeks.

Sunday:  On Sunday, HFFH hosted a field hockey clinic for the youth and future players for HFFH! 18 girls, from grades 2-6 came and participated in clinic. The Varsity and JV girls worked one on one with the "clinicers" to enhance their skills and knowledge of the game we all love. Overall success !

In future news, the HFFH has some tough competition this week! On Tuesday, HFFH will face the Huntington Devils! On Thursday, HFFH will face Long Island Champions Ward Melville and on Saturday the girls will battle the girls of Sachem East High School! Hopefully all can come and spectate but if not, I will try my best to update you all.


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