Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sept 6, 2011

It's been a few days since I last wrote on here .. but its been an extremely busy week! First off, Congratulations to all the girls who tried out and made JV and Varsity! We, the coaching staff, are very proud and impressed with all of your hard work and dedication and we are VERY excited to begin a promising season!

I would also like to Congratulation to Wex ... our Junior Captain!

I just wanted to go over the next few days so we are all aware of our schedule. This week is pretty busy !

9/7- FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! Enjoy it!!! Practice is from 3:15-5:15-- RAIN OR SHINE! Make sure you are ready to play!
9/8- Practice - 3:15-5:15 followed by the mandatory Parent-Student-Coach BBQ! @ 5:30!! (Can't wait to meet all of your parents!)
9/9- SCRIMMAGE @ SWR!!! 4pm ! --- followed by Pep Rally @ 7pm!
9/10- Homecoming--- OFF!!
9/11- Practice --- 7:45-10am

On Thursday, you will be getting a schedule for the upcoming season! Congratulations again girls and I can't wait to see how the season unfolds!

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