Thursday, November 10, 2011

My thoughts on the season

As most of us know, this was my first season as the assistant varsity coach at Harborfields High School. I have been a coach for many years, coaching a variety of levels, but this year and this season was very special to me.

From the very beginning, I was so excited to be a part of this team. Coach Thomas had asked me to be a part of the team for a little while, and I think it was the best decision I could have made. Harborfields School District is completely different from the previous school that I was at. You are all a close knit community  and the love and support you have for your school programs is overwhelming! I knew this summer, when I got the opportunity to coach the girls in the Monday and Tuesday night practices and the 7v7 tournament that I was embarking on a journey that I would never forget.

The 2011-2012 team will always have a special place in my heart. I have never coached a team in which every single individual gave their hearts and souls at practices and games everyday, and was eager to learn more. I have had the privilege this year to coach bright, funny and caring young ladies, and I am so excited to come back next year and do it again.

To the seniors, Kelly, Honey, Allie and Kasey: Thank you so much for all that you have done not only for this year, but for the past four years. Like Coach Thomas said, your contributions these past four years have made the program it is today and I don't think we could ever fully replace what you four have left. It has been my privilege and honor to coach you this year; my only regret is that I had coached you all (at HFFH) sooner. I know that you will all be successful in your future endeavors and I wish you Good Luck next year and the years to come! I expect you all to visit and keep in touch!

I would also like the thank all of the parents, especially Mrs. Santomauro for everything you have done for the team. You have all made me feel so welcomed here and I cannot thank you enough!!

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