Thursday, October 6, 2011

two wins!

The girls of HFFH continue to play great in the early month of October when they faced the Flamming Arrows of Sachem North on Tuesday 10/4 and Centereach on Thursday 10/6. They ended off this week with 2-0 and it truly was a team effort.

Sachem North gave the HFFH quite the challenge, where Sachem's goalie had 16 saves. The score remained scoreless until Isabelle Wechsler placed the ball behind the net with 2 minutes left in the second half. The goal was assisted by Kasey Stolba. Today the forward and mid's really shone with beautiful ball movement and lots of give and gos. I specifically would like to make note that both juniors Katie DeNicola and Gigi Santamuro were most influential to the team's attack. Though these two girl really stood out to the coaching staff, we believe that all of the girls played extremely well and as a unit.
Player of the game: Gigi Santamuro

Today, the HFFH team played Centereach @ home. From the start, the girls dominated the game. Taking over 25 shots, the girls were able to get 3 goals behind the net. In every aspect of the field, the girls played absolutely great. Great ball movement, communication, give and gos, and lots of defensive channeling. Kasey Stolba scored 2 of the three goals and Katie DeNicola added the last one. Everyone got an opportunity to play which was wonderful and we were able to see some great things from some of the girls who don't get as much playing time. Elyse Katz, Colleen Morgan and Melanie Gray did some really great things out on the field!
Player of the Game: Kasey Stolba  (even though almost everyone could have been the player of the game because they played great!)

The more these girls play together, the more people see how amazing they are -- we the coaches have seen it from the beginning =)

Next game .. Oct 12 against ROCKY POINT!! BIG BIG BIG BIG game !! Come support !! WE need this W!!!

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