Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Going Strong!

The HFFH is continuing to persevere in October by playing better and better each game! On Saturday, the HFFH played their rivals, the Devils of Huntington in a nail biting match! Huntington had much improved, showing their skills by scoring first in the first half! This did not deter the tornadoes for they came right back and scored making the score tied at 1-1. The score remained tied for the rest of the game and the two teams were forced to play in overtime!  However, Katie DeNicola scored the game winning goal within the first 5 minutes of OT-- making her player of the game! Sam Gray and Caroline Saros had a lot of playing time in the game and the girls really showed the caliber of their team skill.

On Monday, HFFH faced Ward Melville in probably one of the best games of the season! The Patriots are a very skilled team, but the HFFH really out played and stood out in the game. The defense was poised and composed, the attack was skillfill and worked very cohesively as a team. Unfortunately, the HFFH lost 1-0, but the score was not reflective of the game. Despite the "loss", the coaching staff felt that the HFFH truly won that game. Allie Gold was named player of the game -- her skills and moves were jaw dropping and extremely pivotal to the girls overall success.

On a side note: I would like to say that our defense had a great game. Steph Zamow was patient, calm and poised and cleared the ball out of the circle with hard hits. Junior Captain Isabelle Wechsler stood out as an attacking back, moving the ball and staying strong in the back. And Senior Kelly Malico was a brick wall. Any Ward Melville player who approached her was immediately stopped by Kelly's natural ability in the back field.

Congrats girls on a job well done! Move up move on and forward!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Congrats to the HFFH on their 1-0 victory against Rocky Point!! This win was absolutely crucial and important to our season because it will help us in regards to playoff seedings! Kasey Stolba had a beautiful goal that was unassisted in the first half! Defense was phenomenal and made me and the rest of the coaching staff soo proud!! Way to go D!!

Friday the girls play Huntington at home at 4pm! See you there!

WAY to Go HFFH!!



Thursday, October 6, 2011

two wins!

The girls of HFFH continue to play great in the early month of October when they faced the Flamming Arrows of Sachem North on Tuesday 10/4 and Centereach on Thursday 10/6. They ended off this week with 2-0 and it truly was a team effort.

Sachem North gave the HFFH quite the challenge, where Sachem's goalie had 16 saves. The score remained scoreless until Isabelle Wechsler placed the ball behind the net with 2 minutes left in the second half. The goal was assisted by Kasey Stolba. Today the forward and mid's really shone with beautiful ball movement and lots of give and gos. I specifically would like to make note that both juniors Katie DeNicola and Gigi Santamuro were most influential to the team's attack. Though these two girl really stood out to the coaching staff, we believe that all of the girls played extremely well and as a unit.
Player of the game: Gigi Santamuro

Today, the HFFH team played Centereach @ home. From the start, the girls dominated the game. Taking over 25 shots, the girls were able to get 3 goals behind the net. In every aspect of the field, the girls played absolutely great. Great ball movement, communication, give and gos, and lots of defensive channeling. Kasey Stolba scored 2 of the three goals and Katie DeNicola added the last one. Everyone got an opportunity to play which was wonderful and we were able to see some great things from some of the girls who don't get as much playing time. Elyse Katz, Colleen Morgan and Melanie Gray did some really great things out on the field!
Player of the Game: Kasey Stolba  (even though almost everyone could have been the player of the game because they played great!)

The more these girls play together, the more people see how amazing they are -- we the coaches have seen it from the beginning =)

Next game .. Oct 12 against ROCKY POINT!! BIG BIG BIG BIG game !! Come support !! WE need this W!!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Think Pink!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and we the HFFH are all in for the fight against breast cancer. To show your love in support, please think pink! Spread awareness, donate, participate in breast cancer awareness fundraisers or activities! Be active ! 

Happy October!

The HFFH is off to a GREAT start for October. On Saturday, Oct 1, the girls played Half Hollows Hills West and played a really fantastic game! The girls played as a team and were able to show how amazing they really are! They won the game 10-0 and we had some first time scorers as well!!

Kasey Stolba 2 goals
Erin Slutter - 2 goals
Allie Gold- 2 goals
Caroline Saros - 1 goal
Daniele Miltner- 1 goal
Gigi Santamuro- 1 goal
Kaitlin Cassar- 1 goal

All the of the got to see a lot of action in the game which was really great as well!! Even our goal keeper, Morgan Lange was able to play some field time in the second half!

This was a great win for HFFH! Congrats girls on a job well done!

Next game: Home against Sachem North on Tues October 4 -- 4pm! See you there!